
  • What is Childhood Eczema and How to Help Manage it?

    Eczema, also known as atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition that affects around 15-20% of children, and is most common between the ages of 2 and 4 years.
  • 5 Things You Should Know Before Becoming a Dad

    The due date is fast approaching and you're about to become a father for the first time. Scary? Here are 5 things you should know before becoming a father.
  • What is Baby Milia?

    Primary milia in infants occurs on the face, especially on one's cheeks, nose and around the eyes. Find out more about baby milia and how to treat it.
  • Inflammation of the outer ear: the solutions

    To treat the associated swelling, pain and itching.
  • How can I relieve earache?

    Various solutions exist to relieve this unpleasant symptom.
  • How do I prevent ear wax blockages?

    The causes of earwax blockages and what can be done to prevent them!
  • Blocked ear: what treatment should I choose?

    What do I have to take into account when choosing the right cerumen plug treatment?
  • How can I remove an earwax plug?

    How can I remove it quickly, effectively and painlessly?
  • How do I wash my ears properly?

    What is the best method to adopt for cleaning my ears properly?
  • Do we need to wash our ears?

    Our ears deserve just as much attention as our nose, our mouth and our skin...
  • What are the symptoms of an earwax plug?

    How do I know if I've got a cerumen plug? What are the symptoms?
  • Cleaning your ears: choose the appropriate product!

    What ear cleansing solution should I choose? In what format? Designed for who?