How do I wash my ears properly?
For clean and healthy ears, the cleansing technique to be adopted is that of the ear spray: this is the most gentle solution available. Except in specific situations, ear spray should be used twice a week from 3 years up. For optimal ear hygiene, use a 100% natural sea-water-based solution.
Cotton buds, ear sprays, ear scoops... There are several ear cleansing techniques. Which should you choose? For optimal ear hygiene, follow the guide!
Why do I need to clean my ears?
We look after our mouth, our skin… But what about our ears? Ear hygiene is more important than people think! Being vital for our hearing and our balance, our ears need special care.
Cleaning them regularly helps regulate the quantity of cerumen in the ear canal, enabling its removal. A build-up of cerumen can be dangerous: if a plug forms, it can cause various problems such as humming, deafness or dizziness*.
What is the best method to adopt for cleaning my ears properly?
There are several ways to clean your ears. But are they all recommended?
Should I clean my ears with a cotton bud?
ENT specialists are unanimous, the cotton bud is to be avoided, for 2 main reasons. Number one: the eardrum is very near to the entrance to the ear canal. And inserting a cotton bud entails the risk of injuring this membrane, which is very sensitive. Number two: instead of evacuating the cerumen, the cotton bud pushes it to the back of the ear canal, which dangerously increases the risk of cerumen plug formation*.
Should I clean my ears with an ear scoop?
Although effective, the ear scoop can prove dangerous: using it requires great caution and a very delicate touch. The risks? Perforation of the eardrum, irritation of the canal walls… Although it can be used on the outer part of the ear, it's better not to insert it into the ear canal*.
Cleaning your ears with an ear candle?
The principle of the ear candle is to aspirate the cerumen out of the ear canal with the negative pressure created by combustion. Although this is a very old technique, its effectiveness has never been scientifically proven. Furthermore, the ear candle presents a number of risks: burning, blocking of the ear canal by the cerumen, perforation of the eardrum...*
Cleaning with an ear spray?
An ear spray is a bottle with a nozzle for spraying the cerumenolytic product into the ear canal. This is simplest and gentlest cleaning solution available.
Simply bring the spray up to the entrance to the ear canal and press the nozzle to administer the solution. For optimal effectiveness, gently massage the ear. Then tilt your head to direct the solution out of the ear and wipe off the liquid residue. Then rinse the nozzle under hot water.
NB, ear spray is not suitable for babies.

To clean your ears properly, use an ear spray!
An ear spray is the gentlest way to clean your ears. But what factors should I take into account for choosing the right product?
Help me choose the most suitable ear cleansing product!
With regard to the bottle and its nozzle, we recommend:
- An unpressurised bottle;
- Fitted with a dosing pump;
- And an anti-overpressure nozzle;
- Providing a gentle, wide spray.
These factors will prevent you feeling any pressure and will ensure the right quantity of solution is gently administered.
With regard to the product, we recommend:
- An aqueous solution;
- Sea water-based;
- Hypertonic;
- And 100% natural.
100% natural, sea water has a number of benefits for the body , including the ears! Choose a hypertonic solution rich in sea water to fully benefit from its cerumenolytic effect.
Clean your ears, yes, but safely!
Except for specific situations, cleaning your ears with an ear spray twice a week from 3 years up is sufficient. No excess: a certain amount of cerumen is beneficial for the body, its primary function being to protect the ear against bacteria.
NB: in the event of ear problems (cerumen plug, perforation of the eardrum, ear infection), do not use any ear cleansing products. Consult your pharmacist or your ENT specialist.
*Scientific source: Doctor Pierre Drweski, ENT specialist.